How to

Hedgehog Ornaments

How to make Hedgehog Ornaments

Making homemade ornaments can be a fun family activity and can add character to your Christmas tree. We have put together step-by-step instructions, including a template on how to make cute hedgehog ornaments that can be hung on the tree, given as a homemade gift, or used in other creative ways such as table place card holders for Christmas dinner. 

Hedgehog Ornaments
Make your own hedgehog today!

To make 1 of the  front facing hedgehog (Hedgehog A) or side facing hedgehog (Hedgehog B) ornaments you will need: 

  • Dark brown felt 
  • Light brown or tan felt 
  • Scissors 
  • Sewing needle 
  • Craft or embroidery floss 
  • Loose polyester stuffing 
  • 8 inches ribbon, divided 
  • 1 or 2 googly eyes 
  • 1 small black bead 
  • Glue 
  • Pompoms, optional  
  • Template for Hedgehog A or B, above
Hedgehog A (Front Facing) 
  1. Trace and cut out 2 Hedgehog A Body pieces from the dark brown felt. 
  2. Trace and cut out1 Hedgehog A Face/Stomach, 1 Hedgehog A Arms and 2 Hedgehog A Feet  from light brown felt. 
  3. With craft floss and needle, outline arms as indicated on Arms piece and attach to Hedgehog A Face/Stomach by stitching on the short ends only. This leaves an opening for the arms to hold a candy cane. To make a smaller opening, glue or stitch 1 side of Arms down.  
  4. Sew Body Face/Stomach onto 1 Body A by stitching around the light brown felt. Outline around 2 A Feet pieces, sewing them into place onto Face/Stomach. 
  5. Lay second Hedgehog A Body underneath with Face/Stomach, Arms and Feet on top. Sew together around edges using an overstitch, leaving 3 inches open on top to create a pocket. Fill body with polyester stuffing and fully close body.  
  6. To make hanging loop, cut a 3 inch piece of ribbon, make a loop and sew or glue to top of the head. 
  7. Glue googly eyes and black bead onto the face.  
  8. If desired, give your hedgehog earmuffs or a scarf with pompoms and ribbon.  


Front Facing Hedgehog
Hedgehog B (Side Facing) 
  1. Trace and cut out 2 Hedgehog B Body pieces from the dark brown felt. 
  2. Trace and cut out 1 Hedgehog B Face from light brown felt. 
  3. With craft floss and needle, sew Face onto 1 of the Body pieces by stitching around the light brown felt. 
  4.  Lay second Body piece underneath with Face on top. Sew together around edges using an overstitch, leaving 3 inches open on top to create a pocket. Fill body with polyester stuffing and fully close  body.  
  5. To make hanging loop, cut a 3 inch piece of ribbon, make a loop and sew or glue to top of the head. 
  6. Glue googly eye and black bead onto the face.  
  7. If desired, give your hedgehog earmuffs or a scarf with pompoms and ribbon. 

Tip: These ornaments can also be used as gift card holders or holders for small holiday treats. Do not filly body with loose polyester stuffing, and leave a 3-inch opening across the head of the hedgehog. 

Side Facing Hedgehog